Optimizing Tennis Training: The crucial role of strength in injury prevention

17 de January, 2024

By Nehuén Contreras

Strength, considered the mother quality from which others such as power and endurance derive, has gained prominence in the field of exercise science, supported by solid evidence positioning it as an essential tool in sports training.

A prominent meta-analysis reveals a direct correlation: higher relative strength corresponds to a significantly lower risk of injuries. This phenomenon is attributed to the adaptations brought about by strength training.

Danish researchers conducted a comparative study among strength training, stretching, proprioception, and a combination of all three. Their goal was to determine which approach minimized the risk of injuries.

Within the spectrum of muscular strength, it is crucial to consider “baseline” work in concentric contraction aimed at correcting deficits and muscular imbalances in the initial phase of overload training.

Concentric strength circuits stand out as an effective alternative for overload work, generating adaptations such as:

  • Inter and intramuscular coordination.
  • Increased speed of nervous impulse.
  • Recruitment of motor units.
  • Synchronization of motor units.

Muscular strength levels, along with the functional properties of the muscle and its stabilizing function in joints, are determining factors in preventing sports injuries. Optimal balance between agonist/antagonist muscle groups across all muscle chains is necessary.

Incorporate strength stimuli into your training to prevent and reduce the risk of injuries. Boost your performance comprehensively!


Jeppe Bo Lauersen, Ditte Marie Bertelsen, Lars Bo Andersen. The effectiveness of exercise interventions to prevent sports injuries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials