How to Start and End Your Tennis Class Better

12 de May, 2024

In, we receive many questions about how to optimize the time before and after a tennis class. Many ask: Should I arrive 15 minutes before my class or match? How can I efficiently warm up my body in such a short time? What can I do to feel in better condition at the start and avoid discomfort during the game?

To help you maximize your performance and maintain a sustainable habit, we propose a warm-up and stretching routine that you can follow before and after your tennis session. Here are some tips, accompanied by videos, to correctly perform a warm-up and stretching.

Before the Class: 15-Minute Warm-Up

    1. Joint Mobility

      Spend a few minutes moving all the major joints. This includes ankles, knees, hips, wrists, and shoulders. These movements prepare your joints and increase blood flow. Joint mobility also helps improve the range of motion, essential for quick movements and changes of direction in tennis.

    2. Core Exercises

      Do a short series of exercises for the midsection. A strong core will help you maintain balance and stability when performing movements. Additionally, a well-trained core can prevent injuries.

    1. Muscle Exercises

      Do a series of exercises that involve the hips, legs, upper body, shoulders, and wrists. This way, you will activate all the muscle groups necessary for tennis. Include dynamic exercises to activate your body, which can help improve the speed of your movements on the court.

  1. Racket Activation

    Spend 5 minutes performing specific tennis movements with the racket. This can include all the movements you will perform while playing tennis (forehand, backhand, volleys, serves). This will help you get in tune with the movements you will perform in the game. Practicing some light serves can also be beneficial for warming up the shoulder.

After the Class: 10-Minute Stretching

  1. Stretching Guide

    Once you have finished your session, spend 10 minutes stretching all the muscle groups you worked on. Focus on stretching the legs, back, shoulders, and arms. Hold each stretch for at least 30-40 seconds to allow the muscles to relax and recover properly. Stretching not only helps prevent injuries but can also reduce muscle stiffness and improve long-term flexibility.

Additional: Hydration and Nutrition

Do not forget the importance of hydration before, during, and after your class. Drinking enough water will help you maintain optimal performance and prevent muscle cramps. Additionally, a small snack rich in carbohydrates and proteins before playing can give you the energy needed for your tennis session.

Importance of Recovery

Remember that recovery is as important as the warm-up. Consider using techniques such as ice therapy, compression, and elevation if you feel any discomfort after playing. Also, getting good sleep and giving your body the necessary rest is crucial for complete recovery and being ready for the next session.
By following this routine, you will not only improve your performance on the court but also reduce the risk of injuries and discomfort. Additionally, these habits will help keep your body in optimal condition for each tennis session. Prepare to play at your best and enjoy every match!