tennis performance


Recovery Step and Recovery in Tennis: Key to Maintaining Game Rhythm

The recovery step and recovery in tennis are essential movements that allow players to return to the ready position and prepare for the next shot. Efficiency in these movements is crucial to maintain a balanced position and be ready to face the next exchange. Here we explain in detail what the recovery step and recovery […]


Types of Strength in Tennis: Key to Improving Your On-Court Performance

In sports training, strength plays a crucial role, especially in sports like tennis. There are several types of strength that must be worked on to optimize on-court performance: concentric, eccentric, plyometric, and isometric strength. Below, we explore each of these types and their application in tennis. Concentric Strength Concentric strength occurs when the muscle contracts […]


Comprehensive physical training plan for tennis players: tips for improving performance and reducing the risk of injuries.

A comprehensive physical training plan is essential for any tennis player, whether amateur or professional. An effective training program should be specifically designed for the individual player and take into account their goals, strengths and weaknesses, and level of experience. Firstly, physical training should include exercises that develop cardiovascular and muscular endurance, strength, flexibility, speed, […]